Humans of CUC

19 Oct 2023

If you had asked me in high school if I wanted to be an archaeologist, I would have said no.

My goal in high school was to become an art curator. But that all changed after year 12 when I spent a year in The Netherlands as an exchange student.

In the afternoons, I would come home from school and watch Skippy (who knows why it was on Dutch TV then!). It may have been homesickness, or it may have been Skippy’s charm. Still, something in that show sparked a passion to learn all I could about Australian landscapes and cultural heritage. This led me to study archaeology and ultimately to complete a PhD in archaeology on the rock art of the Kimberley, Western Australia. Something I would never have dreamed possible when I was in high school.

Skippy helped me let go of who I thought I was and discover who I was.

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